Just your daily reminder that Styles is the greatest in ring competitor to step foot in a WWE ring.
We Didn’t Know We Were Saying Goodbye...
Be honest. Could you go 24 hours without your phone?
Does brain rot actually rot my brain?
The Animal (OC)
Say something Jason Todd does better than Batman?
AirBnB Host Trying to Charge Me $2500+ For Damages I Didn’t Cause
Sure, yep, totally happened
I think ChatGPT is drunk
Is here any grappler on Earth who could've grapple with Hafthor Bjornsson and win 5/10?
I miss the Kabuki Warriors and this Damage ctrl as a whole
Who ordered % mins before close??
This woman started a family with her doll, and seem happy
Homelander (The Boys) vs Krillin during the Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Z)?
Dear millennials what was your obscure childhood crush?
You can become invisible yet you will be deaf in that state
ABSOLUTE BATMAN #8 Variant Cover, by Ramon Villalobos
Toast enjoying some downtime after a long day of guarding against birds
You learn something new everyday!
Does the order in which you eat your food matter?
How does sweet chin music/super kick not obliterate guys?
I have an obsession with men who are middle aged and I am not of legal age
do other races even find brown girls attractive?
What did they see (wrong stuff only)
Nooooo R-Truth!